Let 2018 be the year that you commit to putting yourself first and become your own top priority. Start the new year with new patterns of thought, new waves of emotion, and a new connection to the world around you. Choose to cultivate inner peace and happiness. Develop a fierce mind, a kind heart, and a brave spirit. Trust that when you change your thinking, it will change your life.
Guard your thoughts – a negative mind will never give you a positive life
Complain less – don't let the things you want make you forget the things you have
Eliminate what doesn’t help you evolve – If it doesn’t add to your life, it doesn’t belong in your life
Choose faith over fear – the fears you don’t face today become your greatest regrets
Wake up earlier
Embody the energy you want to attract – vibes speak louder than words
Inspire people – be the reason someone doesn’t give up
Recognize clutter isn’t just physical – it’s toxic relationships, bad habits and old ideas
Embrace change – challenges have the power to unlock your full potential and build confidence
Don’t over-think it – so much energy is wasted worrying about things that never happen
Make “thank you” your mantra – a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles
Sweat every day – it strengthens your body and boosts your mood
Forgive everyone everything – it’s important for your happiness, not necessarily theirs
Be kind – a healthy mind does not speak ill of others
Watch more documentaries
Dream big – don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try
Let it go – don’t let little disputes ruin a great friendship
Eat well – how you nourish your body directly reflects how you nourish your life
Meditate – a quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear
Be patient – don’t just go with the flow, be the flow
Pay off your credit cards every month
Loosen up – anxiety doesn't come from thinking about the future, but wanting to control it
Smile more – you’ll look ten years younger
Show gratitude – remember there are people praying for the things you already have
Drink more water
Believe in yourself – limits aren’t real, they only exist in your mind
Go your own way – don’t let other people’s behavior or beliefs destroy your inner peace
Keep an open mind – inspiration can come from the most unlikely, and even difficult, situations
Live in the moment – now is all there is
Think positively – if you love life, it will love you back
Always wear sunscreen, even when its cloudy
Be brave – forget all the reasons it won’t work and focus on the one reason that it will
Go to bed earlier
Make peace with the past – forgive yourself so you can move forward with your own life
Fear is to be felt, not obeyed – acknowledge the feeling, but don’t become the emotion
Always carry a book (or two) with you
Buy nice sheets
Collect ideas – surround yourself with beauty and creativity to elevate your own thoughts
Stop making excuses – just because life isn’t always fair doesn’t mean it isn’t good
Floss everyday
Wake up every morning believing that something wonderful is about to happen
Live simply – buy only what you need and consume consciously
Don’t settle – think bigger about your life and believe you were meant for greater things
Edit your lifestyle – don’t waste time organizing what you can discard or give away
Stay fiercely positive – your mind believes everything you tell it
Trust your intuition – let your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears
Be kind to everyone – rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength
Choose your friends carefully – you become like the people you spend the most time with
What worries you controls you – the less you give a damn, the happier you’ll be